Tuesday 16 December 2014

Sesame Seeds

There are three kinds of sesame; white sesame, black sesame and yellow sesame. The white sesame rich in oil is mostly used to produce oil, while the black sesame which is fragrant is used at seasoning and spices. The yellow sesame is the most fragrant but doesn't go far. All of them are rich in oil and protein.

Contain More Quality Oil and Protein Than Tofu Does

The oil, fifty percent of the weight of sesame seeds, contains a lot of linoleic acid which prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the wall of the blood vessels, thus serving as a preventive of hardening of the arteries. Also, sesame protein is god source of vegetable protein. Ever compared with soybean, the content of oil and protein is higher. It can be said, therefore, that sesame seeds are important as a source of energy.

Best Preventive of Anemia, Common in Women

Sesame seeds contain the most calcium and iron of all the edible seeds. As well they contain a lot of in vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and nicotinic acid. If taken every day, these nutrients will work in combination, thus helping to prevent anemic, constipation and will tone the body.

Women are liable to be constipated during pregnancy, which may be relieved by taking a cup of sesame (soup) regularly for several days. Also, when the mother's milk secretion is not enough, a bowl of hot gruel with sesame taken once in a while will help produce plenty of milk so people say.

Daily Intake-Good for Complexions Too

Sesame seeds daily can only have good effects. For the middle-aged whose eyesight has become defective, the daily intake will help restore the sight. It is said threat it also serves as a preventive of gray hair. The oil contained in sesame is so easily absorbed that it kelps make the skin fine-grained and clear. As mentioned above sesame seeds are beauty food and eaten daily will prove effective. Sprinkle on various foods every day-start now.

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